Power Controls has developed three distinct compensation systems to address challenges that came with the introduction of smart meters, heavy harmonics distortions and grid-tier solar generated power, which rendered traditional power factor compensation ineffective in helping to avoid power factor surcharges.
The compensation systems include:
Link to Elspec Equalizer page
Lifasa Power Factor Regulators
The efficiency demonstrated by traditional power factor controls has been enhanced by introducing a three phase current and three phase voltage inputs and taking average values so as to match the smart meter values.
The reaction time has also been enhanced.
Solar Related Challenges
Power Controls Ltd has developed systems to address challenges of overcompensation due to distortion occasioned by solar injection to the grid. Individual and unique systems have to be designed in accordance with the mains data and Elspec Black Box data records.
Always Hire a Professionals
No matter urgent any electrical repairs seem, it’s never okay to attempt to handle them on your own. Trying to take care of electrical problems without professional training is extremely dangerous. If you or someone else aren’t hurt during your attempt, there’s still a chance that you’ve left something undone that poses a huge risk to you, your home, or your family. In fact, faulty electrical wiring is the number one cause of house fires in the United States, according to the National Fire Protection Agency. So in order to make sure that your home is safe, always rely on a professional for any electrical services.
When searching for a reliable electrician, call us at +254 20 7651444. We specialize in electrical repairs, indoor and outdoor lighting installations, panel upgrades, and even hot tub wiring!